Wednesday, March 12, 2014

College students to protest in opposition to Calicut University VC

The Students Federation of India (SFI) has warned the Calicut University Vice Chancellor, Prof M Abdul Salam against his ‘autocratic’ style of functioning.
The SFI has said that it would spearhead a student struggle against the VC by occupying different department libraries on the university campus.
The closure of department libraries to deal with the ongoing agitation of research scholars, who have beenstaging a ‘24x7 reading protest’ in the campus central library, has evoked criticism from different corners. Thepostgraduate students on the campus indicated that they would launch an agitation if the department libraries were not opened soon.
“We will have to resort to a wider struggle by capturing the department libraries on the campus if the Vice-Chancellor continued his autocratic rule,” said T.P. Bineesh, SFI State secretary.
The research scholars on the campus are on strike for the past several days under the banner of the All Kerala Research Scholars’ Association (AKRSA), demanding restoration of their fellowships and withdrawal of the punching system introduced by the university, reported